If you're dreaming of that change, I'm here to help make it happen. As your Career Champion, let's figure out this puzzle together, whether you're just starting to feel the itch for something new or you're ready for a big leap into a new career.

Here are two ways I can help:

Work With Me

Let's Find Your Dream Career.  Together

Take the quiz

Designed to help you find a career that excites and fulfills you, this quiz will reveal valuable insights about your unique path. Take the first step toward a more joyful and meaningful professional life.

What Career Is Right For You?

Let's figure it out together

You have so many career options, but you can't seem to decide on one. Every time you think you've made a choice, you second-guess yourself and go back to square one. You're terrified of making the wrong career choice and ending up in a worse situation.

Let's figure out your next step together

Apply now

3-Months transformational Program
Move into a career that fulfills your deepest aspirations. Let me support you through every step of your career change, ensuring you find a role that feels like you --- where your work aligns with your values and brings you inner peace.

Purposeful Pivot Program

If you’re feeling bored, frustrated, and disinterested in your current role despite efforts to improve your situation, it might be time to consider a career change with the help of a career coach.

One clear sign that you may need to shift careers is a growing interest in acquiring skills unrelated to your current role. Additionally, if the idea of changing employers doesn’t inspire you and you’ve reached the peak of your potential with your current employer, it may be time to explore a new career path.

Maybe you’re seeking a better work-life balance or greater alignment with your personal values.

If the idea of changing careers excites you, it's a strong indication that you’re ready to start exploring your options. To simplify and fast-track the process while ensuring the best outcome, consider working with a career coach who specializes in career transitions.

How to Know if You’re Ready for a Career Change?

Transitioning to a new career is a significant step that requires time, reflection, and self-awareness.

Apply Now for Free a consult to see if we are. good fit!

Interested in working together?

- Mayra

Rozella has helped me in my career search several times with valuable advice based on a thorough analysis of my specific situation. 

She is very professional, accurate, resourceful, and trustworthy. She has the ability to look at the big picture and identify blocks and limitations. She has helped me refocus my original ideas and goals in the right direction so I can achieve them.

She is able to create a plan with useful tools and strategies that lead to great results. I recently landed a new job and I must say it was the result of the excellent brainstorming sessions I had with her on how to approach the whole application/recruiting process.

I totally recommend working with her, if you feel you need a change in your career and you don't know where or how to start.

"I recently landed a new job"