Get started now

You have so many career options, but you can't seem to decide on one. Every time you think you've made a choice, you second-guess yourself and go back to square one. You're terrified of making the wrong career choice and ending up in a worse situation.

Finally Know the Direction to Take Your Career

You hit the snooze one too many times, not ready to face another day at a job that just doesn't fit who you are or what you want anymore. You've simply outgrown it!

You used to have dreams and ambitions, but now, you feel like you’re just surviving, not thriving — like you’re going through the motions, unappreciated and invisible. 

You're tired of pretending to be busy or engaged when in reality, you feel unchallenged and unnoticed. It's not just about not liking your job; it's that you know deep down you're not where you're supposed to be.

Every day feels like a waste. It's like you're watching your life pass by without really living it.

Feel confused and embarrassed like you should've figured out your career by now? 

This is ALL possible. I'll show you how!

You laugh more, worry less, and dream bigger. You've got plans, big plans, and you’re making them happen. This isn't just a job; it's the career and life you've always wanted. And it feels amazing.

You feel like you again. Confident, and, yes, happy 

You’re there for activities that matter to you — like kid's soccer games, having dinner with friends, or just curling up with a good book on a Sunday afternoon. 

You’ve got time now — *real quality* time

Counting down the hours until you can leave. Instead, you’re engaged, challenged, and genuinely happy about the work you do.

You're no longer just watching the clock

You’re not just making a living; you’re making a difference.  People notice and appreciate it — it feels great to be part of something that feels right for you!

You’re doing work that matters

Imagine this ...

All this is possible

I’m Rozella and I guide women like you who feel stuck in jobs they've outgrown find new careers that match their skills and passions in exciting ways.

With my guidance, you'll discover the career path for you so you can begin the process of moving into the role where you’ll be happy, truly valued, and can shine, all without feeling overwhelmed or alone.

Now, you might wonder, 'How do I get there?' That's where I come in. 

What if waking up excited for work wasn't just a dream?

This isn't just a dream; it's the life you're meant to have.

When we’re done, you'll been on the path to a career filled with purpose and passion & will feel equipped and ready to make it happen.

Discover Your Next Best Career - Find What's Next!


Develop a personalized action plan so you can confidently step into your new career path without feeling lost or overwhelmed.

Step by Step plan 

Understand what truly motivates you so you can choose a profession where you not only succeed but also thrive and grow long-term.

Learn what truly matters to you

Pinpoint your unique skills and passions so you can explore careers that aren't just jobs but are callings.

Find Your Perfect Fit (Next)

2-hour (one-on-one) to figure out your career direction with confidence.

During our time together:

  • We'll cut through the noise and confusion to figure out what you truly want from your career. 

  • You'll get crystal clear on your passions and what kind of job will make you jump out of bed in the morning.

Find Out What You Really Want:



We'll pinpoint the big things holding you back and zap them away. 
I'll show you how to tackle those fears and doubts so they don't keep you from chasing your dreams.

Tackle your fears


You won't just dream about a better job;

You'll know exactly how to get there. I'll give you a plan with clear steps you can take to start moving toward a job you love.

A Step-By-Step Plan

game plan

Know Your Worth and Ask for It:

I'll help you see just how much you bring to the table so you can go into interviews and negotiations knowing your value and ready to ask for what you deserve.

Learn how to articulate your value in any professional setting so you can negotiate better positions and salaries, ensuring you're not just employed but well-compensated.

Know Your Worth

earn more

Here, you'll:

Say goodbye to those "am I good enough?" worries.

You'll leave our session ready to take on the world with a boost in confidence that'll have you going after what you want without second-guessing.

Confidence to go for it


By the end of our time together,

You’ll feel ready, excited, and equipped to take the leap into a new career that's perfect for you.

It's all about turning "what if" into "let's do this!"



Discover Your Best (Next) Career Includes:

So what's included?

You’ll complete a straightforward yet insightful questionnaire that helps us both understand exactly what makes you tick professionally and personally. 

You’ll walk away with a clear picture of what you truly want from your career, setting the stage for our session.

Career Vision & Clarity Assessment

step one

Together, we'll explore and evaluate different career paths that resonate with your strengths, gifts and passions.

I'll guide you through assessing each option's potential to fulfill your career goals, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make a confident decision!

2-Hours Dream Career Mapping Session

step two

After our chat, you'll get a game plan made just for you. It's not some one-size-fits-all list; it's a step-by-step guide tailored to what you want and need. It'll show you exactly where to start and what steps to take to land that dream job. Think of it as your personal roadmap to happiness at work.

Personalize Step-by-step plan

step three

We'll reconnect again for 30 minutes. This is a crucial check-in to assess how well your action plan is unfolding and to make any necessary adjustments. It’s also a time to celebrate your progress and recalibrate where needed, ensuring you stay on track towards your dream career. 

30 minutes Check-in & Follow up

Step four

Stuck after our session? No worries, with the two weeks of unlimited voice and email support means you'll get timely, personalized assistance exactly when you need it, helping you stay on track and confident as you navigate your (next) career path. Response time within 24 hours
Monday - Friday

2 Weeks of Unlimited Voice & Email Support


The feeling of being lost and wasting my potential is gone. I’ve moved from feeling stuck to having a clear path forward and a renewed sense of purpose.

The good is that you finally know what steps to take next.

You're working towards specific goals that excite you and align with your strengths. You no longer feel lost, but instead, you have a sense of direction and you're making real progress.

Your days are now more purposeful.

You have a plan for your next steps so you can stop feeling stuck and start moving towards a career you love.

You have a clear path forward.

 You wake up feeling hopeful and energized, knowing you are clear of your career direction.

You wake up feeling happy.

Career confidence & clarity

After Our Call

The good is that you you have a job. The bad is that it’s not the right one for you. It's hard to enjoy your free time because you're always worrying about your future.

You feel constantly stressed and anxious about your career

You spend hours thinking about it but take no action because you're afraid of choosing wrong.

You keep putting off making a decision.

You feel like you're wasting your potential. You have no clear direction on what to do next.

Feel like you're wasting your potential & life.

You feel lost in your current job. Every day, you wake up with a sense of dread, not knowing if you're in the right career.

Feeling lost in your current job.

Feeling lost & confused

Before Our Call

I guide women like you who feel stuck in jobs they've outgrown find new careers that match their skills and passions in exciting ways.

With my guidance, you'll discover the career path for you so you can begin the process of moving into the role where you’ll be happy, truly valued, and can shine, all without feeling overwhelmed or alone.

With my 14+ years expertise in project management, agile practices, and change management, I’ve dedicated my career to empowering women like you do work that's meaningful to you! One that feels right for you and matches your skills & passions.

Here’s What We’ll Do Together:

▢ Figure Out What’s Missing: 
We’ll chat about what you like and don’t like about your current job. 

▢ Plan Your Move: 
I’ll help you map out how to get from where you are now to where you want to be. 

I know how it feels to be where you are — feeling stuck in a job you've outgrown. 

Why work with me?

Together we'll figure out your career direction with confidence, helping you overcome indecision and choose a path that aligns with your true self.  Together, we'll turn your current frustration into a future filled with passion and purpose.

You can finally break free from the job that no longer suits who you are and the life you want. 

Your investment for this incredible offer is:

This sounds amazing...

*subject to change without notice

book now


Let's chat

2 Hours one-on-one

let's get started

We’ll meet for your session where we’ll create a clear and exciting path to your new career. 

Show up excited for your first session.

Finalize your booking by making a payment. After which, you'll receive an email from me with details on how to prepare for our session.

Make Your Payment.

Next, you'll enter your name and details so I can prepare for our session.

Complete Simple Form

After clicking the 'let's get started' button, you'll be directed to select a day & time that works for you.

Schedule Your Session.

Interested in working together? I am too, here’s how to get started.

Ready to take the next step?

"By the end of our sessions, I had a clear path forward and felt confident pursuing work that aligns with my values and skills. I highly recommend Rozella to anyone seeking guidance and direction in their career journey."

- Sibongile

"Before working with her, I felt lost and overwhelmed, applying to numerous jobs without a clear direction."

result they got here

- Mayra

She is very professional, accurate, resourceful, and trustworthy. She has the ability to look at the big picture and identify blocks and limitations.

She has helped me refocus my original ideas and goals in the right direction so I can achieve them. She is able to create a plan with useful tools and strategies that lead to great results.

I recently landed a new job and I must say it was the result of the excellent brainstorming sessions I had with her on how to approach the whole application/recruiting process.

I totally recommend working with her, if you feel you need a change in your career and you don't know where or how to start.

"I recently landed a new job and I must say it was the result of the excellent brainstorming sessions"

"She listens well, asks THE key questions that you almost wish she hadn't, then quickly provides an actual map of your strengths, gaps and next steps that truly moves you along."
- Regan

"Rozella is a remarkably wise and empathetic coach, as generous with her time as with her acute insights."

"It was an absolute pleasure working with Rozella! During my session with her we were able to come up with a strategy for my next project, which helped me to start moving toward my goal.
- Steph

"Rozella is an excellent listener, passionate about helping others and an expert in her field!" 

When you enroll in this program, you’re not just signing up for a program—you're starting a personalized, one-on-one partnership aimed at transforming your career. Because of the highly customized nature of this service, where significant time and resources are dedicated specifically to your unique career journey, for this reason, I am unable to offer refunds. However, I stand by the quality of my guidance and am committed to working with you until you achieve the career clarity and confidence you're seeking so you're confident in your next career direction. If you’re not completely satisfied after our time together, let’s talk. I will offer an additional follow-up session at no extra cost to ensure all your concerns are addressed and your career goals are met. Your success is my priority, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Your investment is fully backed by our satisfaction guarantee. 

risk free

i'm all in

By the end of our time together, you’ll feel ready, excited, and equipped with a clear picture of what you truly want from your career. It's all about turning "what if" into "let's do this!

Are you ready to finally move into doing work you absolutely love?