Discover Your Next Career will help you figure out what truly matters to you, helping you find a career you love!

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Change your career

I'm a Career  Change Mentor + strategist for the woman who's ready for a new and exciting career you love.

Rozella - your career change mentor.

Hey it's...

You're a successful, career woman, feeling stuck and drained in your job, waking up every day dreading the grind and wondering if this is all there is?

You're scared to make a change, worried you’ll fail, or that people will think you’ve lost your mind for leaving a stable career! you find yourself up at night, questioning your worth and feeling like you’re just going through the motions?

It’s exhausting! Money is no longer your #1 goal, you just want to find work that makes you feel alive and valued.

I’ve been there, too, and I’ve come out on the other side!

At the beginning of 2020, I found myself at a crossroads in my career. Despite having a job that many would envy, I felt completely stuck and unhappy.

Every day felt like a drag, and I was merely going through the motions, feeling like I could be doing something more valuable and meaningful with my life.

From confusion to confidence: my journey towards a meaningful career!

  • I longed to find a career that felt like it was made for me, one that I would love.

  • Where I was valued and appreciated for my unique skills and contributions, and that would also pay the bills.

  • I wanted to feel a genuine connection with my work and know that I was making a positive impact. 

  • I wanted to stop wasting my life and start using my talents to their fullest.

Deep down, I knew this wasn’t working for me. I knew I needed a change!

As a lifelong people pleaser, I worried about who I’d be letting down if I left my job. Things got so bad that I ended up quitting without a backup plan. 

I was completely exhausted and had nothing left to give. I decided to take some time off to travel, to figure out my next steps, to explore my passions and interests in a safe environment.

My self discovery led to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as well as a deep understanding of who I am and how I'm wired. It was then that I realized why I was always drained at work: as an 'NF' temperament, the work I was doing didn’t fit who I was fundamentally, and I had been trying to make it work.

With this new understanding, I developed a plan. I would spend more time researching and testing different ideas for potential careers that would be fulfilling and meaningful to me.

But then, COVID-19 happened, and I began second-guessing my decision to quit. 
  • I wondered if I had made the right choice. 
  • Should I just go back and ask for my job back? 
  • What if I was doomed? 
  • What if this was the end for me? 
  • What next? 

My fears led me to take a contract job, but I quit after three weeks. That experience reminded me why I had left in the first place and reassured me that I was on the right track. I needed to trust myself.

Determined to stick with my plan, I started helping people pass their PMP exam. I enjoyed the impact I was making. Seeing the smiles on my clients’ faces and the joy it brought them to achieve their goals brought me a sense of fulfillment. 

This experience taught me valuable lessons about career development and the importance of aligning one's work with their strengths and passions. 

However, I had no idea what else was out there or what I wanted to do next or even where to start.

I realized my true passion lay in helping others navigate their broader career transitions, informed by my own journey. I’ve navigated multiple career transitions myself—from working in a science lab with a biochemistry degree to roles in Compliance, Health & Safety, managing projects, and becoming a Business Analyst. Each role taught me valuable lessons and brought me closer to understanding what truly fulfilled me.

Through these experiences, I discovered my calling as a career coach. Now, I use the skills and insights from my diverse background to guide mid-career women in finding work that resonates with their passions and strengths.

While I continue to do some consulting work, this allows me to stay connected with industry trends and real-world challenges, ensuring that my coaching is practical and up-to-date. I'm committed to supporting women in their journey to transition into fulfilling careers. This path feels more aligned with who I am, and I know I’ve found my way to a meaningful career.

If you're feeling stuck and seeking a fulfilling career change, know that I’ve been there too, and I’ve come out on the other side. Let's connect and explore how you can find a career that makes you feel alive and valued.

I've navigated multiple career transitions and realized my true strengths lay in helping others navigate their own career transitions...

While coaching PMP candidates was rewarding...

I enjoy reading books that help me improve & become better.

I love listening to uplifting music and messages.

I love traveling and learning about different cultures.

I was named after a missionary -- Rozella Mae

Fun Facts

my greatest priority is...

To help you find a career that fits with what's important to you, finding the right work-life mix, and making sure you're as happy on Monday morning as you are on Friday night. Let's find that job for you.

Every woman deserves a career that not only pays the bills but is also fulfilling. A dream job out there that ticks all the boxes: happiness, growth, balance, and being truly valued!

I believe that...

Find that sweet spot where your job feels less like work and more like living your passion—every single day; so you can build a life and career that truly reflect who you are!

my goal is to help you...

– Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Empowering scripture

If you're feeling this way, you're not alone. Many women hit a point in their careers where they crave something different—something that taps into their true passions.

Let me support you through this journey. Together, we’ll uncover your unique strengths and passions, overcome the fears holding you back, and create a clear path towards a career that truly resonates with you.

Don’t spend another day trapped in a job that drains you. Let’s connect and start your journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling career.

✿ I’m here to help you figure out what you really want to do and how to make it happen without risking it all.✿

I know how it feels to be where you are — feeling stuck in a job that just drains your energy and creativity.

you're not alone:

Once we’ve found a path that feels right, we'll set ambitious career goals and have a clear plan to achieve them -- so you can excel in your 'NEW' career, and feel fulfilled doing work you love!


Evaluate various career paths to see which ones align best with your values, strengths, and interests -- so you can confidently choose a career direction that feels right for you without second-guessing your decisions.


Gain a deep understanding of what truly motivates you and what you're passionate about, so you can find a career that makes you excited to go to work every day.


What makes me different is my unique 3-phase approach to help you:

work with me 

With my guidance, you'll move into a role where you are truly valued and can shine, all without feeling overwhelmed or alone.
If you’re ready to make a change, let’s talk.

I’m dedicated to supporting you in finding a career you love. 

let's work together